Please welcome guest blogger Eva Gordon
My blog is about why my fantasy and paranormal novels center on wolves as main characters, or spirit guides. In my debut fantasy novel, Mystic Stone of the Tenth Realm, my hero is a Scottish werewolf, an alpha of his own pack. My current series is an epic lycan series, The Wolf Maiden Chronicles. I have my rights back and I’m currently revising for re-release. I’m also creating another wolfish series and delving into steampunk as well. I’m busy with writing and volunteering at a raptor center.
But back to wolves.
My totem guide is the raven but my heart guide is the wolf. I’m not alone. Numerous authors are following the call of the wild.
Why is the wolf a common archetype in many myths and stories, even today? Nothing sends a chill down your spine more that hearing a wolf’s howl in the night. While volunteering at a wolf sanctuary, I spent the night in a trailer on the grounds and was privileged to hear night after night of thirty wolves in their nightly serenade. No sound is more awesome.
Yet in the past, the wolf had a more sinister reputation. During the development of agriculture and domestication of livestock, people settled down and pushed out old hunting deities. Wolves were vilified as part of pagan beliefs and turned the wolf into Satan’s ally. Fear of the wolf once ruled Europe. Wolves were hunted and exterminated. Legends of werewolves were rampant. Little Red Riding Hood and the story of Bisclaveret brought fear to the hearts of many. Many accused of being werewolves were tortured and or burned at the stake.

The wolf is ubiquitous, found throughout most of the world from the icy Tundra in the Northern Hemisphere to the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula. Even in countries where the wolf is not found such as Australia, there are canines that serve as a wolf proxy such as the dingo. Here in our modern homes and cities our pet dogs are constant reminders of our “wolfen” companion. We after all, created the dog from the ancestral wolf, as our most loyal companion.
Wolves display common social and intelligent behavior similar to our own. They both play and have a strict social status, just as some of our cultures have. They communicate with their kind, much the same way we do, both vocally and in non-verbal ways. We have kings and presidents, they have the alpha pair. Humans low in status such as slaves and peasants certainly were low on the pecking order or in a wolf pack the omega. Wolves also mate for life, which endears them to people who long to have a long and loving relationship with a mate. How romantic! What impressed me the most about the wolf sanctuary was the relationship between two wolves, Beasly and Barksalot. Beasily a white wolf had been rescued from a cruel man who gouged his eyes out, leaving the wolf blind and helpless. He was brought to the sanctuary and became friends with another rescued wolf, Barksalot, who literally became his “guide dog”. Beasly grabbed on to Barksalot’s tail and would be lead

long to emulate their hunting prowess. Wolves use team strategy and
their powerful carnassials to bring down a much larger prey. Imagine a
hero that can do damage without a weapon.

Ancient Celts respected the wolf as a totem and often as a spirit guide. In Ireland, King Cormac was nursed by a she-wolf.

the wolf is once again a positive force in literature and as an
important part of the predator/prey relationship that keeps nature in
balance. And those hot one mate werewolf lovers make us long for the
coming full moon.
Werewolf Lore, presented by Eva Gordon, runs from May 14, 2012 through May 27, 2012

Check out Eva’s blog, Twitter, and Facebook
Great post, thank you for sharing the wolf lore! I love wolves and am very interested in their stories. I'm actually going with my writing partner this weekend to a wolf conservation place for a tour, and I'm super excited!
Awesome. I also recommend going to a dog park and compare wolf and dog behavior.
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