Deadline extended until August 22nd!!
So get your entries ready and send them in!!
FF&P's On the Far Side contest for unpublished authors is in need of entries, especially in the romantic elements and erotica categories!
Final round judges are acquiring editors and agents of all genres of paranormal romance. Take this opportunity to get your best work in front of:
Time Travel: Margo Lipschultz (Harlequin, Luna)
General Paranormal: Erika Tsang (Avon)
Romantic Elements: Lois Winston (Ashley Grayson)
Futuristic: Stacy Boyd (Harlequin)
Erotic: Caren Johnson (Caren Johnson Lit. Agency)
Fantasy: Deborah Werksman (Sourcebooks)
Young Adult: Scott Eagan (Greyhaus Lit. Agency)
2008 On the Far Side Contest
Got fantasy, futuristic, or paranormal? Then the On the Far Side contest is for you!!
Welcome dragons, witches, ghosties, vampires, shape shifters, unicorns, and any creature your imagination can conjure up in a galaxy far far away, in a time long past, or in your very own backyard.
2007 Contest: 3 manuscripts requested! Two sold so far!
NEW: OPTIONAL synopsis, website banners for finalists/winners
First Round Judges: trained and/or published
*Must not be published in full length fiction (40,000+) for the genre entering/or not published in genre entering for past 5 years
*Entry fee: $20 members/$30 non-members
*First 20 pages of manuscript
*OPTIONAL synopsis (NEW)
*Entry received by DEADLINE: August 22, 2008
All finalists receive a certificate and an OTFS finalist website banner (NEW).
Winners of each category receive a check for $20, a pin, an OTFS winner website banner (NEW), and a certificate.
2nd Place receives a check for $15 and a certificate
3rd place receives a check for $10 and a certificate
For details and entry forms, go to
Amber Wentworth
2008 On the Far Side Coordinator
CRUEL ICE – Coming in Two Weeks!
2 days ago
When will the results be announced?
The finalist announcement will be around the end of September. It's difficult to give an exact date since we extended the deadline. We'll post all announcements and dates on the blog, so keep tuned.
Is the contest limited to works with strange creature, or can I enter a traditional fantasy with no strange creatures?
No, no strange creatures required. Traditional Fantasy is certainly accepted and is a mainstay of FF&P.
Could someone please explain the romantic elements category?
Specifically, is that for entries where romance isn't the central theme of the manuscript? Is this where paranormal urban fantasies would go?
The Romantic Elements category would be for a manuscript that has a romance, but the romance isn't necessarily a part of the main plot thread.
RWA definition here:
Sorry that link didn't go through. I'll try again.
RWA Category Descriptions.
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