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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Writing Workshops: An Important Tool for a Delusional Breed of Winners by Melissa Arroyo

Every writer is perfect when we write our first story. At least we think we are.

We strut like Jagger and move like Elvis when it comes to presenting our masterpiece. Our delusion is such, we can’t see right from wrong. But then after one month, more or less, of sending out queries and entering contests, rejection letters from editors and agents start coming in, and judges’ critiques tear us apart.

Taking more hits than a UFC fighter, our pride falters waiting for the knockout that will never come for we are a stubborn breed. A breed that I believe has the right ideas and imagination from the beginning, yet knows very little about writing fiction.

Did I know about Deep POV? Nope.

Did I really know my grammar? Apparently not.

A writer’s world is as crazy and upside down as the ones we create for our stories. It can be scary; especially when we haven’t developed the crucially important thick skin that will help us survive rejections while learning new skills.

I was lucky Nalini Singh gave me wonderful advice. She suggested I join special interest groups where I could meet fellow writers and participate in workshops. Following her tips, I found the FF&P Chapter and realized I had a lot of homework to do, literally.

During my first year of writing my skin grew thicker, my characters and plot stronger. Assertive criticism and superb workshops helped me improve. However, the most important lesson I learned is being delusional is good for writers. It is what made us begin in the first place. It gave us the confidence to get out there and show those first steps.

Needless to say, my first story was and is awful. I keep it close to remind me of how far I have come and where I want to be. And even though my stories have not been published yet, I’m sure they will be.

Now, all I have to do is stretch out my days and abduct that pesky little thing called privacy. Easy right? Oh well, that’s another blog adventure.

Melissa Arroyo is an English teacher who loves reading and writing sexy stories with kick-ass heroines and super handsome and unconventional heroes.

1 comment:

seoacer said...

Hey!I wish you to write the article more and more wonderful!