Please welcome guest blogger Paty Jager
We've all read how authors are on their own when it comes to promotion these days unless you're a six figure author with a track record of selling out your print run. With all the electronic media and more people who can be exposed to our work-including agents and editors we covet - we have to be professional and use the internet to our advantage.
In my workshop Promotion 101 we'll discuss the internet options and what will work for you. There are social networks, loops, blogs, and a whole myriad of ways to get your name out there. But which ones will work for you and why?
I'm not on everything but I try to be on as much as I can and get my name seen. I attended a conference recently where I was cleaning up after a workshop I gave and the next speaker walked in to set up. We shook hands and I told her my name. "Oh, you're a promotion queen. I see your name everywhere!" she exclaimed. Now I don’t consider myself a promotion queen. I just try to be active in every way I can. That includes teaching workshops online and in person.
I've been on several blog talk radio shows-They're free. I've been on my local TV stations several times. It's free. You need to find the avenues that are free to you and give you exposure to new people.
Do you know how to contact book stores and set up signings? Then once the signing is set up do you contact the store asking them what you can do to help? Do you have a plan of attack for the signing and afterward? These are things you need to learn to be a good signing author.
We'll discover your author "persona" and how to use it in your promotion. And teach you how to write a bio, press release, and how to put a promotional packet together and when to use one.
Doing your own promotion isn't hard once you get things set up and are always on the lookout for a way to put yourself and your work out where people can find you.
Sign up for my Promotion 101 workshop June 13th –27th.
Paty Jager
Paty Jager has been a member of RWA for twelve years belonging to several online chapters as well as EPIC, Women Writing the West, and Central Oregon Writers Guild. She's been published for four years and has learned to use every available inexpensive means of promoting she can find.
She has five historical western romance novels available through The Wild Rose Press, one historical paranormal western, and one contemporary western, which won the 2008 Best Contemporary Romance EPPIE. To learn more about Paty drop by her website:
The Dark Side of The Cloud
2 days ago
Wow. This sounds like a class I need to take!! Great stuff here!
I wish I had time to take a class. It sounds interesting.
Hi Lynn, I hope you can fit the class in.
Sandy, I know what you mean. But you can always be a lurker and just gather the info.
You are a Queen at promotion, Paty! Keep up the good work!
Thanks, Lauri!
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