There are times when someone says something I know will never happen—supervisors giving us rules and tasks that make sense and are efficient, driving in traffic without morons, flipping on the news and not seeing something depressing, etc— and I ask that person, “Are there unicorns in your land of make believe?”.
Well, there are unicorns in my land of make believe, as well as dragons, magic-users, aliens, djinn and a whole host of other creatures my imagination desired. That is good and bad. Good because I shouldn’t run out of stories any time soon. Bad because… I won’t run out of stories any time soon.
To keep from overwhelming myself, I created seven Earth-based alternate universes with set rules for the humans and preternaturals. Some have histories close to ours and others have histories so different that the name of the planet isn’t even the same. That is my Multiverse collection written under my real name D. Renee Bagby.

He wants peace. Marriage to Serenity, the daughter of the queen from the largest human kingdom, is the perfect symbol of that peace. There are two problems with his plan. One—Serenity wants more than a political marriage with her husband. She wants love. Two—not everyone wants peace and they’ll go through Serenity to ensure it doesn’t last.
Find buy links and an excerpt for Serenity at
While neat little universes full of rules are fun, my muse will not be denied. I continually come up with story ideas that don’t fit my Multiverse. Rather than make the stories conform, I invented Zenobia Renquist, a second name with no boundaries. A pen name also alleviates future confusion as to whether a story belongs to the Multiverse or not.

Being the center of attention should be a good thing, but it isn’t Earth-based and it’s more of a nature show documenting the lives of regular humans for viewers across the universe. The Fey have come to Earth several times but this time around they made their presence publicly known so a trade of culture could take place. Several humans have been chosen to be observed, including Meirion.
There is no privacy, except in the bathroom, and the camera is very obvious since it is located in the eyes of the three men sent to watch her day and night. To make matters worse, she’s attracted to Kiar, one of her cameramen, and he’s not allowed to even tell her if he reciprocates because of his people’s no acknowledgment policy.
Meirion isn’t one to let things lie. She wants an answer from Kiar and she’ll do whatever it takes to get it. To find out what she does and how Kiar reacts, visit for an excerpt and buy links.
I invite you to visit my land of make believe but have only one rule, no matter which name you choose… Leave Your Reality Behind.
D. Renee Bagby
Building New Realms of Passion…
Zenobia Renquist
Discover Different and Unique Romance
Wow! You sound very busy! :) Great blog...
Congratulations on all the books!
Lisa :)
I'm happy to leave reality behind! Your stories sound fascinating.
I love my stories and I'm so happy when readers love them too. :D
Lovely descriptions of your universes. Definitely intrigued me.
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